Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web An inside look at NSA (Equation Group) TTPs from China’s lense
An inside look at NSA (Equation Group) TTPs from China’s lense
Web A Language Server for Postgres. Contribute to supabase-community/postgres_lsp...
GitHub - supabase-community/postgres_lsp: A Language Server for Postgres
Web is like Ruby on Rails for Rust. Use it to quickly build and deploy Ru... - Productivity-first Rust Fullstack Web Framework
Web Comparing Caddy vs Nginx in what could be closest to an "apples-to-apples" co...
nginx-vs-caddy-benchmark/nginx.conf at main · patrickdappollonio/nginx-vs-caddy-benchmark
Web Why is Rust being used to replace parts of the JavaScript web ecosystem like ...
Rust is Eating JavaScript | Lee Robinson