Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web First of all, this blogpost is kinda long. Let me prove to you reading it wil...
Taking my diabetes treatment into my own hands
Web Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/CPUCountingChallenges
Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/CPUCountingChallenges
Web Attached: 1 imagefun fact: if you have a laptop or desktop that has an intel ...
number 1 rover fan (
Web So you think you know box shadows huh? I bet you didn't know they could do this.
How not to use box shadows
Web Linux System Calls and Call Conventions for most architechtures
Linux System Calls quick and easy
Web Reverse-Engineering an IP camera - Part 1 | Alex Porto
Reverse-Engineering an IP camera - Part 1 | Alex Porto
Web Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs, and GPL Violations | Blog
Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs, and GPL Violations | Blog