Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web Framework Laptop will be shipping summer 2021. Sign up to hear more and get n...
Introducing the Framework Laptop
Web Designing a motherboard for your project is a great second step when developi...
Stay Caffeinated - How to design a motherboard for your electronics project - Part 1
Web The world’s largest network and datacenter infrastructure atlas
The world’s largest network and datacenter infrastructure atlas
Web A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and te...
Web A walkthrough for dumping the firmware from a no-name air quality monitor and...
Patching in Fahrenheit
Web After spending some weeks playing with Rust, I felt ready to test my skills a...
Performance Showdown: Rust vs Javascript
Web A typeface for creating sparklines in text without code. - aftertheflood/sparks