Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web Hundredrabbits create open source low-power hardware, tools and toys aboard a...
Hundred Rabbits
Web An in-depth article on how to handle short and long content in CSS.
Handling Short And Long Content In CSS - Ahmad Shadeed
Web Everyone has a natural habitat. For some people it’s a big house in the subur...
Letting Go of Nostalgia Urbanism — GS
Web Translations: ελληνικά / عربى / 中文 / 粵文 / Català / Deutsch / Español / França...
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine - Articles
Twitter “Do you have a favourite indie game? Reply below!(And please add a link and q...
Matt Gray on Twitter
Web This website allows you to select a city and then draws every single road on ...
Draw all roads in any city at once
Web LVI: Hijacking Transient Execution with Load Value Injection
LVI: Hijacking Transient Execution with Load Value Injection