Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Twitter “Someone emailed me asking about the design decisions that went into our prog...
Zachtronics on Twitter
Web In this article, Harris Schneiderman walks you through the process of analyzi...
Translating Design Wireframes Into Accessible HTML/CSS — Smashing Magazine
Web Pixelopolis is an interactive installation that showcases self-driving miniat...
Sharing Pixelopolis, a self-driving car demo from Google I/O built with TF-Lite
Web By Torio Risianto, Bhargavi Reddy, Tanvi Sahni, Andrew Park
Byte Down: Making Netflix’s Data Infrastructure Cost-Effective
Web Software-defined radio and cheap hardware are shaking up a hobby long associa...
The Uncertain Future of Ham Radio
Twitter 1) A stranger than fiction Roman ring mystery thread: this enigmatic Roman go...
Gareth Harney on Twitter
Web Slice and dice your friends with boomerangs in this frantic physics party gam...
Boomerang Fu - Release Date Trailer - Nintendo Switch