Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web Doing an experiment with my RPi 4, using it as a small but powerful local ser...
Raspberry Pi as a local server for self hosting applications
Web Whether we’re looking at The Correspondent, the world atlas or the national n...
How maps in the media make us more negative about migrants
Twitter “a few years ago, at the virtualization company I worked at:customer: ever si...
Kate Temkin on Twitter
Web Precious maps, books and artworks vanished from the Pittsburgh archive, and t...
The Inside Story of the 25-Year, $8 Million Heist From the Carnegie Library
Web Starting a new habit of spend a week of personal project time on fixing issue...
New Practice: Seasonal Cleaning
Web This is part 1 of the “How Unreal Renders a Frame” series, you can access par...
How Unreal Renders a Frame