Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web Rust is a viable language for backend development, but does it have a compell...
Luca Palmieri - Pavex: re-imaging API development in Rust
Web There was RCE in Untitled Goose Game and none of you ever told me?!I’m not ma...
Ian Coldwater 📦💥 (@IanColdwater) on X
Web The final executable for a 64k intro is nothing more than the engine packaged...
Minimal engine file formats of Conspiracy intros
Web Develop in Swift Tutorials are a great first step toward a career in app deve...
Develop in Swift | Apple Developer Documentation
Web Cloudflare Calls is a serverless SFU and TURN service running at Cloudflare’s...
Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down
Web Rails to Trails Conservancy is building a nation connected by trails, reimagi...
Rails to Trails Conservancy: Building A Nation Connected By Trails
Web Find out how Cally has been tested for accessibility, and with what assistive...
Accessibility statement
Web One of the guiding Postgres design principles is heavy reliance on features p...
Postgres vs. File Systems: A Performance Comparison
Web We’ll explore fluid typography principles, use-cases, implementation with CSS...
Modern Fluid Typography Using CSS Clamp — Smashing Magazine