Just a bunch of interesting random links I gathered. RSS Feed
Web How to look inside the protocol workings of the Stream Deck Plus, the flexibl...
Reverse Engineering The Stream Deck Plus
Web A Minecraft server written in COBOL. Contribute to meyfa/CobolCraft developme...
GitHub - meyfa/CobolCraft: A Minecraft server written in COBOL
Web Well-made software has a lifetime, and the lifetime is finite. However, somet...
Reviving zip_tricks as zip_kit
Web A long time ago, I wrote a memoization library for Ruby. It was not easy, but...
The intricacies of implementing memoization in Ruby
Web What components are needed for building learning algorithms that leverage the...
A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
Web Satellite powered estimation of global solar potential
Satellite powered estimation of global solar potential
Web I was recently made maintainer of the json gem, and aside from fixing some ol...
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 1